English Speech and Debate Competition report 2018 

Congratulations to all the speakers and debaters who took part in competitions this autumn.  All the students were excellent. They trained hard, practiced almost every day, and competed with great attitudes, politeness and smiles.
Some students won prizes, but even those who didn’t should be very proud of their performances! This experience will surely be an important step in the goal of mastering English. Well Done!

2E 林 芽唯 優勝(1128日に行われる全国大会へ)
2C 鈴木 唯日 第3

 18回 高知県英語ディベート大会
友愛静桜 (村上友萌、濱田静佳、佐々木千愛、横山菜桜)第3

3A水田あみか 中3暗唱の部 優勝
2B西森水紀  中2暗唱の部 優勝
1E山中星空来 中1弁論の部 第2

1S大谷 航 優勝(1216日に行われる四国大会へ)
2K中島怜大 Excellent Entertainer